
Black -fruited rowan juice 330 ml

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Category:Food for Health
Dimensions: 100x100x300cm

Black -fruited mountain ash for hypertension helps to live!

Symptoms of increased blood pressure are familiar to many: headache, nausea, noise in the ears, pulsation in temples, flies in front of his eyes, a rapid heartbeat and others. But even if hypertension does not appear too clearly, it is seriously treated.
To the aid of Aronia, concentrated juice from the fruits of the Chernomotnaya Rowan (lat. Arónia melanocárpa), containing a large number of useful trace elements and vitamins. The people have been known about the healing properties of Chernomot. Especially appreciate the berries of mountain ash for the help of vessels and heart.

Start your day with the adoption of Aronia juice and in a couple of weeks you will notice how your well -being will improve. Due to the large content in the juice of useful trace elements (magnesium, iron, manganese), you normalize blood pressure, the level of harmful cholesterol will decrease (excellent prevention of atherosclerosis!), The vessels will become more elastic and strong. Aronia black soot juice activates the hematopoietic process, cleanses the body of radionuclides, heavy metals, and toxins. Thanks to the tannins (hence the astringent taste of mountain ash) and the healthy pectins, your digestive system will come to life: intestinal cramps will pass, stool will normalize, the outflow of bile will increase, the blood sugar will decrease (the black carrier contains a natural sorbitus completely harmless even for diabetics) Doctors also recommend Aronia juice for problems with the thyroid gland - because there is so much iodine in the mountain ash! Our mountain ash and vitamins A, C, B1, B2, E and rare PP (nicotinic acid) are rich, which not only takes part in all metabolic processes of the body, but also promotes rejuvenation at the cellular level.
Order the natural juice of the black rowan Aronia for yourself and your loved ones right now. Your heart will be grateful, and the pressure will become like that of the astronaut: 120 by 80. What are we, the doctors of the Vera Health Center, sincerely and wish you
  • Category:Food for Health
Dimensions:30x10x10 cm

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