Icon of Luke Crimean. 10x12

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Category:Russian Orthodoxy Products
12x14 cm wooden straight kiot, face 10x12, salary (riza) gold

For Orthodox believers, not only saints who are famous for their exploits before the Lord God are of great importance. An important role in the life of the veins is played by ordinary clergymen who deserve love and fidelity thanks to their all -consuming faith and the ability to work miracles. Among these ministers of the Lord stands out the saint of Luke, whose memory day falls on June 11.

Saint Luke, Life
Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky was born in the city of Kerch in 1877. His father was a pharmacist. As a child, the boy was interested in drawing, but in life he did not become an artist and did not choose the profession of his father. After the saint graduated from Kyiv University Faculty of Medicine, he received the education of a surgeon and went to war.

There has already begun his practical activity. At the same time, Valentin Feliksovich begins his scientific work, so that, when returning to Moscow, he is taken to work at the Dyakonov clinic. The significant year was 1915. During this period, St. Luke gives out the monograph “Regional Anesthesia” and receives a prize to Warsaw University.

After the death of his wife from tuberculosis in Tashkent, at the insistence of the bishop, Valentin Feliksovich accepts San and begins to serve the Lord. At the same time, Father Valentine does not refuse medical practice and continues to work hard and work hard.

Carried into the monks of the saint in 1923. At the same time, he was assigned to San Bishop and gave the name of the apostle and artist Luke. Due to his faith and serving by God, St. Luke was repeatedly arrested and went into exile. But even there, he did not stop treating sick people.

For his scientific works, he was awarded the 1st degree prize. In 1942, he was assigned the rank of archbishop, and also entrusted the position of the main surgeon of the Krasnodar Territory.

After the Second World War, Vladyka came to the Crimea. He fought with the devastation, which dominated at that time. He forced all the clergymen to strictly adhere to the canons of the church, put the temples in order. In addition, he treated those in need for free. It was also said that healing from St. Luke could be obtained only touched his cassock during the service.

The life of St. Luke ended in 1961 on all saints on June 11. He was buried in the cemetery of Simferopol. People claim that even after death, it was possible to come to the grave to the bow, drink water from it or take land, and healing necessarily occurred in the shortest possible time. But you need to do this with deep faith and the desire to recover.

The icon of St. Luke, what helps
Given the heavy life of the saint, it is not surprising that on the icon he is depicted with a look that conveys all the sadness and severity of human troubles. The icon of St. Luke serves as an excellent amulet for seriously ill. They hurry to pray to her in such cases:
- ask for healing of bodily and sincere,
- women are praying about the normal course of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby,
- if necessary, surgical intervention question about its successful resolution,
- hope to establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

The icon of St. Luke is often placed in medical institutions, so that the patients have the opportunity to pray without leaving the room. The icon of St. Luke of the Crimean is necessary in the house of every sick person
  • Category:Russian Orthodoxy Products
Dimensions:XX cm

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