Icon of Ksenia of St. Petersburg. 10x12

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Category:Russian Orthodoxy Products
12x14 cm wooden straight kiot, face 10x12, salary (riza) gold

Ksenia Petersburgskaya took care of, helped people and performed miracles. Most of the people who received her intercession were women. The grave, where it was buried, the table with the place of pilgrimage. The icon of St. Petersburg is addressed in different life circumstances.

She is praying for love, about children, about marriage, about health, about pregnancy. Prayers in her families put the world, the suffering received healing, and those who needed found their good place in life.

The value of the icon of blessed Ksenia of St. Petersburg
K. Petersburg lived in the 18th century. Unfortunately, there was no information left about her adolescence, birth and childhood. But the memory of people retained many details of her spiritual miracles and exploits. People still turn with prayers to Ksenia of St. Petersburg for help and intercession. And the crypt with her grave in the chapel near Smolensk is an important spiritual shrine of St. Petersburg.

This place is always crowded and often collects crowds of pilgrims. The walls of the chapel are hung with notes with words of gratitude or with a request for help to the saint. The image of blessed is not uncommon in the house of a believer. He is considered one of the most beloved Russian saints. They even say that she comforts everyone who asks her.

From the life of the saint it was known that she was married to Colonel Andrei Fedorovich Petrov. The marriage was happy, but family happiness is short -lived. The husband suddenly died, and the widow rushed to serve God. All her life, Ksenia tried to pray from the Lord forgiveness for her husband, who died without repentance.

Earthless benefits for the saint ceased to have a price, and she distributed the whole inheritance she had to be poor and in need. Relatives considered her crazy and tried to deprive her of the right to dispose of their property. But they did not succeed, since Ksenia was in a perfect mind.

Since that time, the saint wandered through the streets during the day, and at night she retired in hot prayer. At first, this caused only insults and ridicule. The saint took everything for tribute and with humility. But there were kind residents who gave her warm clothes, shelter and food. Blessed from everything refused.

But over time, people began to notice that He was of a special mercy of God. It was noticed that from whom she accepted alms, became successful and happy. That is why businessmen, cabmen and merchants tried to serve her with something and be useful. It was considered a good sign if Ksenia herself visits someone"s house.

If she kisses and picks up a sick child, he will definitely get better and recover. It is believed that for all patience and holy life, she received the gift of miracles and perspicacity. Blessed helped everyone, without exception, everyone who needed it.

In 1988, Blessed Ksenia was brought to the face of saints. The Orthodox Church celebrates the day of this icon on such days:
January 24 /February 6,
May 24 /June 6, a day of glorification.

What is the icon of Ksenia of St. Petersburg helps
Prayer before this holy image helps:
- Find a loved one and successfully get married,
- it strengthens faith, gives a blessing in difficulties,
- teaches humility, helps to succeed and gives strength,
- Parents can ask for help in raising a child,
- And those who do not have children- they are requesting to become pregnant,
- In addition, the icon helps in a variety of difficult life situations
  • Category:Russian Orthodoxy Products
Dimensions:XX cm

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