
XV-XVI century legal codes

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Category:History & GeographyLaw & Legal
Dimensions: 185x38x245cm

Released in the most authoritative scientific publishing house, the book was a continuation of the series of publications "Legislative monuments of the Russian centralized state of the XV-XVII centuries", prepared by the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences. The creators of this project sought to “put into the hands of researchers, teachers and students of higher education, as well as all those interested in the history of our homeland, the commented text of the monuments of feudal law as a source for studying socio-economic relations, political systems, legal norms, judicial system and proceedings of Russia of that time " . Therefore, today the book is an indispensable manual for studying the legal structure of the Old Russian state in the XV-XVI centuries.
Prominent Soviet historians took part in the preparation of the publication "Judicials of the XV-XVI centuries: B. D. Grekov, L.V. Cherepnin, B. A. Romanov, R. B. Müller, A. I. Kopanev and others. The collection includes the texts of the Three Old Russian Code of Laws: the Judicial Code of 1497, the Judicial Code of 1550 and the lawsuit of 1589.
Despite the original writing of the texts of the lawships by the ancient Russian half -wings or a sudden, in this edition they are transmitted by printed font according to the modern rules of the letter of the letter, spelling and punctuation. In preparation for the printing of the texts of the lawships, the compilers studied all the well-known lists of each of the three regulatory and legal monuments. So, for the publication of the Judicial Code of 1550, 40 of his lists were compared, stored in the archives of Moscow and St. Petersburg.
All law enforcement officers-collections of regulatory legal acts created in the XV-XVI centuries in order to systematize the rule of law. A comparison of the texts of the lawships of 1497, 1550 and 1589 allows you to trace evolution and identify differences in the legal structure of the Russian state for this period. The Judicial Code of 1497 appeared during the entry of individual independent principalities into the unified Russian state, when the state centralization policy required the Unified Legal Code. The creation of Tsar Ivan the Terrible in 1550 of the new judiciary was aimed at preserving and strengthening a centralized state, eliminating the possibility of returning to feudal fragmentation. Both monuments give valuable source material for studying the economy, social relations, the political system, the rights of the Russian state in the XV-XVI centuries.
Judicial of 1589 - a monument of law, intended specifically for the revolution of the court between the peasants of the northern Black -bearing volosts - contains information on the history of the economy, social relations and law in the North Russian black village.
For experts, comments developed by historians L. V. Cherepnin, B. A. Romanov and A. I. Kopanev are represented. In addition, A.I. Kopanev compiled signs for the publication - nominal, objective, geographical, as well as indicators of words to the texts of the lawships and used literature. The tables of articles in different editorial offices of the lawships presented in the publication significantly facilitate and optimize the work of researchers with the texts of ancient Russian laws.
The qualitatively executed photocopies of fragments of the texts of the lawships placed in the publication enable readers to get acquainted with the paleographic features, including using cinnar initials, which stood out the beginning of a new article in the continuous text of the document: punctuation marks in the XV-XVI centuries were not used with scribes
  • Category:History & Geography
  • Category:Law & Legal

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