Wonderful meridians. Auricular therapy
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One of the effective ancient Chinese reflex methods is the treatment using the so-called wonderful meridians (FM), which exist in addition to permanent classical meridians. Eight non-permanent miraculous meridians, which are also called extraordinary, amazing, Mai vessels, wonderful vessels, are formed thanks to internal moves, collaterals and anastomoses. The name of the wonderful meridians is obviously due to the fact that with many chronic diseases, difficult to treat traditional methods, the impact on these meridians is highly efficient, and the results of treatment are unexpected and for the doctor, and for the patient. The name of wonderful meridians is associated with their action and areas of the body, where they begin and pass. Wonderful Meridian I (controlling) controls all Yansk meridians. Wonderful meridian V (Meridian conception) controls all the Inin Meridians. Wonderful meridian VIII (raising) rises from the bottom up internal organs. Wonderful meridian III (external supportive) supports all Yansk meridians. Wonderful meridian VII (internal supporting) supports all the Inisk Meridians. Wonderful Meridian IV (slimming) ishing the lower back and strengthens it. Wonderful meridian II (outer heel) begins in the heel area and passes along the outer surface of the body. Wonderful meridian VI (inner heel) begins on the heel and passes along the inner surface of the body
Author:Usakova N.A.
- Category:Medical Books
- Category:Alternative medicine & Homeopathy
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