
Vitamir Digidroquercetin tablets, 50 pcs.

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Category:Medical BooksSelf Help & Self Education
Dimensions: 2x10x8cm

Manufacturer: Square-C, Russia
Dietary supplement. Not a medicinal product
Composition: Inulin, dihydroquercetin, magnesium stearate (anti-caking agent), stearic acid (stabilizer).

Pharmacological action
"Dihydroquercetin" is a dietary supplement recommended as an additional source of dihydroquercetin and inulin.

Dihydroquercetin is a natural substance with pronounced bactericidal and antifungal properties, a natural antioxidant, a bioflavonoid.
It is found in large quantities in the cambial part of Siberian or Dahurian larch trees, growing in the Far East and around Lake Baikal.

Dihydroquercetin has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and immunomodulatory properties. In terms of antioxidant activity, it surpasses similar substances and exceeds vitamins C, E, and carotenoids.

Active components
Dihydroquercetin contributes to the restoration of blood vessel tone, normalization of the lipid profile, and slowing down the development of atherosclerotic plaques.

It improves microcirculation and blood flow, promotes the restoration of connective tissue structure, lowers cholesterol levels, prevents thrombus formation.

Long-term medical research has shown the following properties of dihydroquercetin:
slowing down the aging process by optimizing peripheral blood circulation and protecting cell membranes from destruction,
inhibiting peroxidation, limiting the damaging effects of free radicals,
improving blood flow in cerebral vessels and metabolic processes in brain cells and the peripheral nervous system,
improving the condition of the cardiovascular system, normalizing blood viscosity and circulation,
maintaining capillary microcirculation,
by improving capillary blood flow, accelerating the removal of toxins from the intercellular space,
reducing the risk of diabetic and vascular complications,
reducing emotional, vegetative symptoms, improving mood, reducing unpleasant physical sensations during stroke and heart attack rehabilitation,
increasing concentration and intellectual activity index,
enhancing blood flow in the retina, protecting against vision loss in macular degeneration, preventing cataract formation.
Dihydroquercetin slows down inflammatory reactions in the body, improves oxygen supply to cells, normalizes collagen fiber synthesis in the skin, accelerates wound healing, maintaining skin elasticity. It increases the body's resistance to radiation and can be used as a preventive measure in areas with environmental radiation pollution.

Considering the lifestyle of urban residents, dihydroquercetin is necessary as a preventive and therapeutic agent, allowing to maintain health and activity for many years.

Inulin is a prebiotic that protects against dysbiosis and pathogenic bacteria. By normalizing digestion and metabolism, it has a beneficial effect on the body, strengthening the immune system.

How to take, course of administration, and dosage
For adults, take 2 tablets 2-3 times a day with meals.

Duration of intake is 1-2 months.

If necessary, the intake can be repeated.
  • Category:Medical Books
  • Category:Self Help & Self Education
Dimensions:8x10x2 cm

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