
Visual Arts. 4th grade. Study program based on L.A. Nemenskaya"s textbook

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Category:Arts & PhotographyEducation & Teaching
Dimensions: 205x2x290cm

The manual provides a working program for visual art for grade 4, compiled in accordance with GEF NOO, the concept of spiritual and moral education and development of the personality of a citizen of Russia, the planned results of primary general education and the requirements of an exemplary educational program, focused on the textbook of LA. NEMENSKY (M.: Education, 2012), which is included in the UMC "School of Russia".
The program contains detailed thematic planning of the system of training sessions (lessons) and pedagogical agents, with the help of which universal training actions are formed, the requirements for personal, metap loom, subject results of the development of the educational program, educational and methodological support.

It is intended to manage the leaders of methodical associations, teachers of visual art of general education institutions, recommended by educators of additional education, educators of the extended day groups

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