Vikings of Britain
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The book that the reader holds in his hands is one of the classical expressions of the genre of scientific and popular literature dedicated to the era of the Viking. J. P. Kapper examines the British Islands as a team point in which they crossed and walked into a single tent of the fate of tens of thousands of Scandinavian soldiers. On Earth, Britain began and on it ended for the West of the Viking Epoch. The author traces the fate of the most bright personalities who became the symbols of the era and which the domestic reader sometimes knows not so much. A detailed analysis of what happened in Scotland, Ireland, in the Orkney, Shetland and Hebrid Islands, will appear for many valuable help to fill Lakun in the information about the Vikings. The structure of the book allows you to clearly sense that in the era of Vikings a good half of the old world was one of the most important roles in this process played by Vikings