Unified State Exam 2024 Russian Language. Excellent result. Textbook.
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The series was prepared by the developers of the Unified State Exam control measurement materials (CMM). This educational and practical guide will help graduates achieve optimal results on the Unified State Exam through targeted activation of knowledge and skills, step-by-step action planning necessary for successful completion of each typical exam task, and practice in applying these skills independently. For each exam task, the guide includes the following educational and practical materials: - task description, - theory necessary for task completion presented in a convenient tabular form, - step-by-step instructions for task completion, - an example of task completion with comments and answers, - analysis of typical errors in task completion, - training materials for each type of task, - evaluation criteria and answers to all tasks, - an embedded answer sheet for practicing the correct way to fill it out. The collection also includes typical exam variants for conducting entrance diagnostics and final assessment. The guide is designed for comprehensive preparation for the state final certification in the form of the Unified State Exam.