Tourist map of the city of Moscow
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The convenient pocket version of the plan of Moscow, unlike most of the most available on the market, is purely transport, but intended for Muscovites and guests of the city interested in the culture and sights of the capital. More than 500 historical monuments and structures are applied to a detailed updated cartographic basis, more than 50 of them are shown for colorful three-dimensional drawings (on the central part map) and flat graphics (on the survey card) In the number of outstanding buildings and complexes isolated by artistic graphics, modern structures forming the architectural silhouette of modern Moscow are included. The Kremlin plan is given on the 4th page of the Card cover and is almost entirely made in the form of panoramic artistic graphics.
Design and printing Card fully complies with European standards of frontal cartographic works. Marked on the map and placed in the alphabetic index index: the main architectural ensembles, mansions, manors, individual buildings and structures, monasteries and temples, museums with thematic heading, theaters, concert and exhibition halls. More than 200 hotels, all consular institutions. Transport: Lines and metro stations. Newly entered road construction facilities are shown.
On the view of the capital, placed on the 1st turn of the publication, shows the entire territory of Moscow with enclaves, location of airports and a message by public transport between airports, a subsidiaries network and the city center. In a separate scheme of high-speed transport of Moscow, made bilingual, additional graphics of transfers are applied to suburban trains
Design and printing Card fully complies with European standards of frontal cartographic works. Marked on the map and placed in the alphabetic index index: the main architectural ensembles, mansions, manors, individual buildings and structures, monasteries and temples, museums with thematic heading, theaters, concert and exhibition halls. More than 200 hotels, all consular institutions. Transport: Lines and metro stations. Newly entered road construction facilities are shown.
On the view of the capital, placed on the 1st turn of the publication, shows the entire territory of Moscow with enclaves, location of airports and a message by public transport between airports, a subsidiaries network and the city center. In a separate scheme of high-speed transport of Moscow, made bilingual, additional graphics of transfers are applied to suburban trains
- Category:Calendars, Holidays & Souvenirs
- Category:Travel & tourism
Series: Maps
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