The Echo of Singing Sands

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Author:Crow Anna
Category:FictionScience Fiction and Fantasy
Dimensions: 3x13x20cm
Tamila Assander is the last representative of the ruling dynasty of Garret. She is the only one in whose blood remnants of the ancient blessing of the Goddess are still preserved. She is the one who hears the voice of the sands. The one who was cruelly betrayed. As the poison, creeping closer to her heart with each passing second, could not be saved by either priestesses or mages. And while Her Majesty was slowly dying, the Council was seizing power. However, on the brink of war with the northerners - the fierce barbarians who worship the god of war, Ratus, Tamila, who swore to protect her people even at the cost of her own life and lost faith in the Council, will have to take extreme measures and unite with a man about whom she knows everything and nothing - the confidant of King Oris, the ruler who sent her a letter with poison two years ago. 1. An atmospheric romantic fantasy with perfect heroes and epic battles. 2. A kingdom on the border of the Great Desert, bloodthirsty northerners, mages and priestesses, secret passages, secrets, and a conspiracy destined to change not only the queen's life but also that of all people. 3. "Echo of the Singing Sands" is the best thing that could happen to fans of this genre this autumn. 4. Recommendations from the most popular community on VK about YA books - "Attic with Stories." 5. The total circulation of the "Instahit" series has exceeded 100,000 copies!
Author:Crow Anna
  • Category:Fiction
  • Category:Science Fiction and Fantasy
Publication language:
Publication Language:Russian
Dimensions:20.5x13.5x3.4 cm
Series:Young Adult. Instahit. In our veins the blood of kings
Age restrictions:
Age restrictions:16+
Product type:
Product type:partial lacquer

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