Tehran 43. The meeting that determined the course of history.
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In late autumn of 1943, the fate of the post-war world order was being decided not on the battlefields of Eastern Europe, but in the capital of Iran - Tehran. It was here, during the period of November 28 - December 1, 1943, that the historic meeting of the leaders of the Anti-Hitler Coalition countries - Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United States of America took place.
In Tehran, the Big Three - Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, and Franklin Roosevelt, gathered together for the first time to discuss plans for the defeat of Nazi Germany and its allies, as well as post-war peace arrangements.
Why did Tehran become the meeting place for the allies? Before the Great Patriotic War, Iran had become a haven for hundreds of enemy agents. What were the reasons for the Soviet-British operation 'Agreement' in Iran and why was there a danger of an assassination attempt on the Big Three in Tehran two years later? What were the outcomes of the Tehran Conference? Did it truly change the world? Find the answers in the documentary investigation by Konstantin Semenov.