
Smart guys

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Author:Leskov S.
Category:History & GeographyPolitics & Social Science
Dimensions: 130x35x200cm

None in any country in the world did not happen so many revolutions, fateful coups and decisive rearrangements, as in Russia. To the great regret, the result was too often turned out to be not only deplorable, but also the opposite of what was thinking. Now Russia again on the threshold of cardinal reforms - a strategic course on modernization is taken to build an innovative economy, on the rise of competitiveness. The intellectual potential of Russia is high, active people have exhaked to a great deal and are waiting when talents will be in demand by society and the state. Unfortunately, the Russian intellectual elite left the pages of the media, it is almost not visible on television, and books about modern Russian science comes out disappearing little. Book & Quot, Smart Guys & Quot, Sergey Leskov - An attempt to fill this gap. It contains conversations with leading Russian scientists about the fate of Russia, about the roots of its problems and development prospects, on the role of intelligentsia in our history, as well as essays on unique Russian scientific centers, many of which still live under the vulture of secrecy. The topic of these conversations and essays complement the essay on the difficult fate of domestic science and intelligentsia. Sergey Leonidovich Leskov - Newspaper Observer & Quot, News & Quot,. He graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, worked in the space industry, in geological and archaeological expeditions, in newspapers & quot, Moscow Komsomolets & Quot, & Quot, Komsomolskaya Pravda & quot,. She passed an internship in the American press in the United States. Winner of many All-Russian journalistic premiums and by several books. Awarded the Queen, Gagarin and Kurchatov honorary signs for his contribution to the development of various high-tech industries
Author:Leskov S.
  • Category:History & Geography
  • Category:Politics & Social Science

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