
Signs, symbols, and allegories in art. How to understand and interpret.

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Author:Kortunova Natalya Dmitrievna
Category:Arts & PhotographyLanguages
Dimensions: 1x16x21cm

Violet and pomegranate, unicorn and dog, bull and lion, parrot and peacock, scales and pearl, horn of plenty and mirror, the symbol 'Venus Mirror' and the Christian symbol 'ichthys'... How often do we see these and other signs and symbols in the paintings of famous artists and not even think that these images have an additional meaning, different from their own superficial one. These signs, giving depth, mystery, and complexity to the works, exist not only in the realm of the mind but also in the realm of feelings. Symbols are diverse - they are denoted by numbers, objects and phenomena, forms and images of animals, birds, or insects, and so on. Symbols are especially vividly manifested in painting and sculpture.
We are separated by hundreds of years, and sometimes even millennia, from the creators of these now famous works of art. These people existed in a different system of life coordinates and believed in different gods. The monuments that have survived from those ancient times were intended not only to delight the eye and amaze with their finesse of execution but also often carried a certain idea that contemporaries could easily read. However, when we encounter these monuments, we often overlook their symbolic meaning, not paying attention to the telling details or not understanding what they may imply, thereby depriving ourselves of a full perception of works of art. The meanings of signs and symbols are almost impossible to 'decrypt' accidentally; you need to know them. And this is where the new book by Natalia Kortunova will help you - a well-known art historian, senior researcher at the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, curator of several exhibitions at the museum.
Signs, symbols, and allegories in painting literally surround us. And often, it is enough to just pay attention to them, understand the secret meaning they carry, for the work of art to come alive with new colors!
Author:Kortunova Natalya Dmitrievna
  • Category:Arts & Photography
  • Category:Languages
Dimensions:21.8x16.9x1.9 cm
Series:Art of Understanding

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