School of Clarinet Playing
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Hyacinth Eleonor Kloze (1808-1880) - French Clarnetist, Composer, Teacher, Professor of the Paris Conservatory. In 1839-1843. Close, together with the Music Master Louis-Auguste Buffa, improved the clarinet, applying the system of ring valves T. Boem. This made it possible to improve intonation and expand the range of the tool. The tool, which began to call Clarinet Boem, as well as the French Clarinet, quickly gained popularity from musicians and got widespread. School of Games on Clarinet Claise for a long time remained the main training manual for the preparation of clarinetists. The School is a complete course of training in the clarinet, contains exercises for all types of equipment, gamma, arpeggio, as well as a large number of etudes and plays, composed Clazes.
Edition is intended for students of music educational institutions and teachers
Edition is intended for students of music educational institutions and teachers
Author:Kloze G.
- Category:Languages
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