Russian language. 7th grade. Control test work
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This textbook contains test work to test the knowledge of students (subject achievements of the basic level of training) in the Russian language in the 7th grade, which will help in organizing the training of students for VPR. For each half a year, 4 options for work are given. The answers to the tasks are recorded in the form of words, phrases, numbers or sequences of numbers into the answers form (samples of answers are given in the middle of the notebook) For the teacher, the manual contains methodological recommendations for the work, which include the codifier, which shows controlled elements of the content (CES) studied in each half-year, the specification of control and measuring materials (Kim), which includes the distribution of tasks according to the contents of the approximate work program, criteria, criteria Evaluation of individual tasks and work as a whole, as well as answers to all tasks. The structure of the manual begins to introduce schoolchildren with the requirements of the OGE in the Russian language in the 9th grade, the criteria for performing test work