Russian language. 5th grade. Lesson plans based on the textbook by T.A. Ladiyenskaya, M.T. Baranova, L.A. Trostentsova and
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The manual contains technological maps of Russian lessons in grade 5, developed in accordance with the GEF of the main general education and work-oriented with the teaching complex TA. Ladyzhenskaya, M.T. Baranova, L.A. Trenutzova.
The use of a technological card as a universal instrument for designing the learning process allows the teacher to make a lesson in an interactive, structured, algorithm, to see the training material systemically, holistically, to predict the planned results and formulated UUD, to ensure the agreed actions of the teacher and students, flexibly apply effective techniques and forms , Implement integrative control of performance.
Designed to managers of methodological associations, teachers of the Russian language of general education institutions
The use of a technological card as a universal instrument for designing the learning process allows the teacher to make a lesson in an interactive, structured, algorithm, to see the training material systemically, holistically, to predict the planned results and formulated UUD, to ensure the agreed actions of the teacher and students, flexibly apply effective techniques and forms , Implement integrative control of performance.
Designed to managers of methodological associations, teachers of the Russian language of general education institutions