Love for a Lifetime. A Guide for Couples
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Love is the desire to find the harmony that we felt while in the maternal womb. Faced with reality, we lose a sense of safety with which we come to this world. Every time the parent moves away from his child, not noticing, for example, his crying, the child experiences the painful experience of breaking communication with a loved one, and in love we are trying to find this connection again. We reproduce the negative experience of the past, wanting this time to “go out the winner”, heal our childhood injury. However, unconscious expectations are not always justified, and in the end we get problems in family life: the spouses are again experiencing their childhood problems, now in relations with partners. Hence the conflicts, and crises, and divorces.
Harville and Helen offer a way to correct the situation. This is an imago-psychotherapy aimed at improving interaction with a partner. A key role in it is played by a dialogue. The ancient brain encodes a positive experience with a partner in new connections between brain cells. The more such positive interactions, the stronger the new path becomes, and the old and destructive - the one that arose in childhood - will begin to lose strength (there are fewer instant messengers between the cells) and the ability to intervene in your relationship. As a result, the couple comes to a conscious partnership - relations that are characterized by mutual support and contribute to the psychological and spiritual growth of both partners.
The book has a theoretical part (helps to answer the questions: "What is wrong" and “why this happens” and practical - exercises that will help to achieve a conscious partnership when the spouses become one.
For whom this book
For spouses who want to cope with existing conflicts and learn to avoid new ones.
For those who are going to marry and do not plan to replenish the statistics of divorces.
For everyone who wants to understand the nature of the relationship in a couple.
About the author
Harville Hendrix and Helen Hunt - psychotherapists, the founders of the Imago psychotherapy - special therapy of married couples, future married couples and parents. They talk about their method and practice it for more than 30 years. Their work has been translated into more than 50 languages, and the method itself uses more than 2000 psychotherapists around the world. Harville and Helen have six children, they live in New York and Dallas.
2nd edition
Harville and Helen offer a way to correct the situation. This is an imago-psychotherapy aimed at improving interaction with a partner. A key role in it is played by a dialogue. The ancient brain encodes a positive experience with a partner in new connections between brain cells. The more such positive interactions, the stronger the new path becomes, and the old and destructive - the one that arose in childhood - will begin to lose strength (there are fewer instant messengers between the cells) and the ability to intervene in your relationship. As a result, the couple comes to a conscious partnership - relations that are characterized by mutual support and contribute to the psychological and spiritual growth of both partners.
The book has a theoretical part (helps to answer the questions: "What is wrong" and “why this happens” and practical - exercises that will help to achieve a conscious partnership when the spouses become one.
For whom this book
For spouses who want to cope with existing conflicts and learn to avoid new ones.
For those who are going to marry and do not plan to replenish the statistics of divorces.
For everyone who wants to understand the nature of the relationship in a couple.
About the author
Harville Hendrix and Helen Hunt - psychotherapists, the founders of the Imago psychotherapy - special therapy of married couples, future married couples and parents. They talk about their method and practice it for more than 30 years. Their work has been translated into more than 50 languages, and the method itself uses more than 2000 psychotherapists around the world. Harville and Helen have six children, they live in New York and Dallas.
2nd edition