Do not trust your intuition. How innovative leaders make the best decisions
As an alternative to the lead management, Dr. Gleb Tsipursky offers rational business strategies based on reliable knowledge and proven experience. He shows the way to make more balanced decisions, demonstrating an understandable model that we can use in everyday life, and offers exercises designed to help us learn to think so that it is more likely to achieve a better result.
The book is recommended to leaders and everyone who seeks to become them. It doesn’t matter if you have been managing a business for many years or just found it, you should adhere to the author’s advice in order to avoid costly mistakes that are often destructive for companies.
"Despite the fact that successful business leaders consider the adoption of the best decisions to their business card, they regard this process as something intuitive, almost magical, which can be mastered only through the experience earned by hard work, or only a few brilliant managers available . In fact, the process of making paramount decisions is a technical thing, it can be learned. ”
Gleb Tsipur