Practical clairvoyance. Express course
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If you are an ordinary person and do not consider yourself clairvoyant, but you want to become, then in this book you will find specific exercises and recommendations that will help you master it, in general, accessible to any skill. The proposed express course consists of several lessons and is designed to practice in competition conditions, so it will also be suitable for participation in the Salted Show & Quot, the battle of psychics & quot,. The course is based on the method of shock therapy, i.e. Changes to the usual settings, both biological and psychological. Singing the rhythm of perennial habits, the body adapts in the new conditions to unusual actions for itself, and the laid talents are released from the subsicing of the subconscious. On this principle, you can & quot, remember & the other abilities will be written in the following books of the author
Author:Olkovets S.
- Category:Chiromantia & Esoteric & Numerology
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