Once in a dream. Another story of Aurora (new design)
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This is not the fairy tale you know, but the one you will definitely not forget. It turns out that the kiss of true love not only did not awaken Aurora, did not break the spell, it put the handsome prince to sleep and carried him away into the dream world of his beloved. The happy fairy tale turned into a real disaster. And these dreams - not the princess's fantasies and dreams, but real nightmares. Aurora is enchanted by Maleficent, who has the power to control her dreams and create evil in them. The witch has sown confusion throughout the kingdom, and now only Aurora can stop the curse. To do this, you need to defeat the villain, but how can you do that when she controls your dreams, and dreams are all you have? For middle school age.
Author:Braswell Liz
- Category:Fiction
- Category:Science Fiction and Fantasy
Publication language:
Publication Language:Russian
Dimensions:21x14x2.8 cm
Series:Disney. Princesses. A completely different story
Age restrictions:
Age restrictions:12+
Product type:
Product type:color embossing
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