Neuroscripts. Neuroexamples
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Do you want to help your child succeed in school? Then the series of developmental workbooks "Neuropropisi" is for you! In these workbooks, traditional developmental methods are combined with the latest developments by neuropsychologists. Your child will enjoy completing interesting tasks, and the result will be the development of memory, thinking, verbal intelligence, and many other skills necessary for successful learning in school. The workbook is an exciting quest - a journey through an unusual island. By solving neuro-examples and puzzles, the child will navigate through the jungle, replenish water supplies, walk along a stone path... This game will teach important intellectual skills: analyzing information and drawing conclusions, connecting knowledge in a specific area into a single system, finding commonalities in information and identifying patterns. For preschool and early school age.
- Category:Education & Teaching
- Category:Reference books
Dimensions:29x20.5x.3 cm
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