The main movement. 10 keys for a healthy and beautiful body
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Imagine that you finally have an instruction for operating your own body, which will be tone, it is better to feel and even protect yourself from diseases!
Greguar Gibo has been working as a kinesitherapist for ten years, teaches manual therapy techniques, and is also fond of the popularization of medicine.
In the book "The Main Movement", he collected all the recommendations that he usually gives to his patients suffering from back pain, excess weight and other unpleasant consequences of a sedentary lifestyle.
- What should be the perfect posture?
- How to download the press correctly?
- Why does the lower back hurt and why do sports not give a result?
- When do chronic diseases occur?
- How to distinguish a useful load from harmful?
With it, you will understand the device of the musculoskeletal system and understand how your body works. Learn simple and effective exercises to strengthen the back, improve stretching, relieve tension and find out in which cases the bar and sweating on the simulator is a waste of time. And you will also try to accept your own body even in its imperfection and regain control over it, you will see what opportunities the practice of meditation is fraught with, and pick up the format of training that will be in joy.
"Greguar Gibo writes not only about exercises to return the tone and strength to the body, but also in spiritual practices (thanks to his scientific approach, they will cease to be perceived as something religious) The book will tell you about your body, teach it to understand and accept it. Be prepared that some established ideas about how to train will be questioned and even refuted. Do not worry that this is a "next theory". The author, kinesiotherapist, uses an evidence -based approach to all his recommendations. A separate place in the book is occupied by photographs and drawings. This book is a boring, but scientific way to immerse in the complex world of relations with the body "
Anna Loseva, doctor anesthetist-resuscitator of the department of anesthesiology-renaumination of the NMIC SSH named after A.N. Bakuleva, author of the medical blog @Med_otvet
Greguar Gibo has been working as a kinesitherapist for ten years, teaches manual therapy techniques, and is also fond of the popularization of medicine.
In the book "The Main Movement", he collected all the recommendations that he usually gives to his patients suffering from back pain, excess weight and other unpleasant consequences of a sedentary lifestyle.
- What should be the perfect posture?
- How to download the press correctly?
- Why does the lower back hurt and why do sports not give a result?
- When do chronic diseases occur?
- How to distinguish a useful load from harmful?
With it, you will understand the device of the musculoskeletal system and understand how your body works. Learn simple and effective exercises to strengthen the back, improve stretching, relieve tension and find out in which cases the bar and sweating on the simulator is a waste of time. And you will also try to accept your own body even in its imperfection and regain control over it, you will see what opportunities the practice of meditation is fraught with, and pick up the format of training that will be in joy.
"Greguar Gibo writes not only about exercises to return the tone and strength to the body, but also in spiritual practices (thanks to his scientific approach, they will cease to be perceived as something religious) The book will tell you about your body, teach it to understand and accept it. Be prepared that some established ideas about how to train will be questioned and even refuted. Do not worry that this is a "next theory". The author, kinesiotherapist, uses an evidence -based approach to all his recommendations. A separate place in the book is occupied by photographs and drawings. This book is a boring, but scientific way to immerse in the complex world of relations with the body "
Anna Loseva, doctor anesthetist-resuscitator of the department of anesthesiology-renaumination of the NMIC SSH named after A.N. Bakuleva, author of the medical blog @Med_otvet