Phytotherapy for patients with bronchopulmonary diseases
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The lecture cycle is based on the developed clinical and experimental material. So, on the basis of the Department of Physics on the Military Medical Academy, during the phytotherapy of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, data was obtained about the possibility of enhancing the therapeutic effect and leveling of general toxic and hepatotoxic properties of tuberculostatic drugs. Cooperation with the TBC confirmed the legitimacy of these studies.
A group of experimental and clinical phytotherapy of the institution of the human brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences accumulated the experience of treating people who often and long -suffering diseases, especially children, with reduced immune protection. Attention was paid to geriatric aspects, since in patients of late age any colds is dangerous. The immunocorrogative activity of medicinal plants is confirmed both in the experiment and in practice. The lectures present the results of the analysis of many thousands of experience, arsenal and methods of phytotherapy in the traditional medicines of China, Korea, Tibet, India, etc. Giving methods, recipe, examples and results of herbal medicine with severe pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma. The emphasis is on the principles of compiling complex polycomponent fees intended for a particular patient.
The previous lecture cycles ("Introduction to herbal medicine", "ginseng and other adaptogens", "herbal medicine of patients with cardiovascular diseases" "“Herbal therapy in neurology") aroused interest not only among herbal medicines, doctors of various specialties, students of medical institutions, For which they are mainly intended, but also in patients. Perhaps this book will be interesting to both specialists and a wider circle of readers.
2nd edition, supplemented
A group of experimental and clinical phytotherapy of the institution of the human brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences accumulated the experience of treating people who often and long -suffering diseases, especially children, with reduced immune protection. Attention was paid to geriatric aspects, since in patients of late age any colds is dangerous. The immunocorrogative activity of medicinal plants is confirmed both in the experiment and in practice. The lectures present the results of the analysis of many thousands of experience, arsenal and methods of phytotherapy in the traditional medicines of China, Korea, Tibet, India, etc. Giving methods, recipe, examples and results of herbal medicine with severe pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma. The emphasis is on the principles of compiling complex polycomponent fees intended for a particular patient.
The previous lecture cycles ("Introduction to herbal medicine", "ginseng and other adaptogens", "herbal medicine of patients with cardiovascular diseases" "“Herbal therapy in neurology") aroused interest not only among herbal medicines, doctors of various specialties, students of medical institutions, For which they are mainly intended, but also in patients. Perhaps this book will be interesting to both specialists and a wider circle of readers.
2nd edition, supplemented