
Physico-mechanical properties of biological tissues

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Author:Муслов Сергей Александрович, Арутюнов Сергей Дарчоевич, Перцов Сергей Сергеевич
Category:Medical Books
Dimensions: 170x28x240cm

Studies of physical and mechanical properties of organs are presented on the basis of literary and own experimental and calculation data.
The results of measuring the elastic fashion and the on -hardness of intact enamel and enamel with caries, as well as the study of the on -hardness of the enamel of the teeth after cooling to ultra -low temperatures (4.2 K), are described. The attitude of H/E and the viscosity of the destruction of enamel and dentin are analyzed in comparison with other materials. The matrix of elastic constant dentin and enamel is visualized. The elastic modules, the parameters of elastic anisotropy and the puisson dentin and enamel coefficient as anisotropic medal of hexagonal symbolia are considered. The possibility of this approach is explained by data on the morphology of the hard tissues of the tooth as a biocomposite with a collagen matrix and mineral components in the form of apatitis crystals. Within the framework of this model, it was established that the Poisson Dentin coefficient in some directions is higher than the theoretical limit of 0.5 for isotropic materials, including compositional, which may affect the quality of restorations. It was also found that the minimum values ​​of the Poisson Coema Dentin and Emali are more than zero, that is, both dentin and enamel are not auxes - materials with a negative Poisson coefficient. Data on the elastic properties and strength of the suburban tissues, the periodontal ligament and the mucous membrane of the mouth, as well as hydroxyapatitis crystals are given. The effect of food diet (drinks, milk and dairy products, cheese, sugar and sweets) and hygiene products for hardness and roughness of dental enamel have been investigated. A comparison of the hardness of enamel of human teeth and various species of animals (herbivorous, carnivorous and marine) was performed. It was established that the physical and mechanical properties of a person’s dental enamel are unique: they occupy a worthy place in the “hardness diagram - the elasticity module of“ biominerals and other materials, and in terms of mechanical characteristics they surpass the corresponding indicators of the enamel of sharks tooths, toxic fangs of cobra - the most dangerous snakes on Earth and The enamel of the fangs of rats, one of the most tenacious mammals on the planet and hyenas with powerful jaws and incredible cruelty, is not inferior in terms of firmness. The initial information from the mechanics is given.
The parameters of their mechanical properties of the tissues of the auricle and the biomedifier silicones for prosthetics, the heart muscle, bile ducts, urogenital tissues, the departments of the gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals are described. The test results are compared with the hypeurum models of modern mechanics of deformable bodies.
The book is intended for students of dental and medical faculties, residents, graduate students and students of the faculties of postgraduate education of medical universities. It can also be useful to scientists of institutions, teachers of medical and biological physics, normal and pathological physiology
Author:Муслов Сергей Александрович, Арутюнов Сергей Дарчоевич, Перцов Сергей Сергеевич
  • Category:Medical Books
Publication language:
Publication Language:Russian

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