Diseases of the ear, throat, and nose. Textbook for students of vocational education institutions
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The third edition of the textbook for medical schools and colleges with a degree in otorinolaryngology (ear, throat and nose disease) was prepared by authors taking into account the latest achievements in medicine, and in particular in otorhinolaryngology that have occurred over the past five years. Changes and additions concern primarily the features of modern therapeutic approaches in relation to each disease of the upper respiratory tract and ear, including the pathology of auditory and vestibular analyzers.
This textbook is fully consistent with the program of secondary medical education approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia.
It should be noted that a sufficiently complete and modern presentation of educational material allows us to recommend this publication as an information (reference) manual for general practitioners.
3rd edition, corrected and supplemented
This textbook is fully consistent with the program of secondary medical education approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia.
It should be noted that a sufficiently complete and modern presentation of educational material allows us to recommend this publication as an information (reference) manual for general practitioners.
3rd edition, corrected and supplemented