The textbook presents scientific research and clinical experience in the work of leading domestic scientists and university teachers. Data on the physicochemical characteristics, properties and methods of applying basic and auxiliary materials in the clinical practice of orthopedic, surgical, therapeutic dentistry are given. Brief information is given about the historical origin of the main and auxiliary dental materials. Significant attention is paid to the classifications of dental materials and modern terminology. The publication contains a large number of illustrations.
The textbook is written in accordance with the current Federal State Educational Standard and is intended for residents, graduate students and students of dental faculties of medical universities and schools studying in the specialty Dentistry, and will also be useful to practicing dental doctors-therapists, surgeons and orthopedists
Author:Abakarov Sadulla Ibrahimovich, Bragin Evgeny Aleksandrovich, Caloverjiyan Edward Sarkisovich
Publication language:
Publication Language:Russian