The cause of hypertension - the disease that is subject to the third of the adult population of the planet - is difficult to establish, and medicines that patients are forced to take constantly help only to normalize the condition for a short time. Experienced doctors are sure that the origins of increased pressure should be sought in lifestyle. Proper nutrition, physical exercises, manual therapy and relaxation can give a long -term effect. Is it possible to recover from hypertension once and for all? How to debug the internal mechanisms of pressure regulation? Olga Kopylova’s book will answer these and many other questions.
Attention! The information contained in the book cannot serve as a replacement for a doctor’s consultation. Before performing any recommended actions, you need to consult a specialist.
The new design of the book "120 by 80. The book on how to defeat hypertension, and not reduce pressure."
Author:Kopylova Olga Sergeevna
Publication language:
Publication Language:Russian
Series: Consultant Books in your health