Literary reading. Grade 2. Working program on the textbook L.A. Efrosinina. UMK "Elementary School of the XXI century"
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The Working Program of the Literary Reading course was developed on the basis of the author"s program L.A. Efrosinina. The main objective of the lessons of literary reading in primary grades is to help the child become a reader: bring to the awareness of the rich world of domestic and foreign children"s literature as artistic words, enrich reading experience. The development of the reader involves the formation of such activities when it is able to perceive the text (listen and hear the artistic word, read out loud and silently study the text or just get acquainted with it), to understand the readable not only at the level of facts, but also sense (have its judgments, express emotional Relationships, etc), to recreate a read in his imagination (to represent mentally, the heroes, events) and, finally, to reproduce the text, i.e. To be able to tell it in different versions - detail, selectively, compressed, creatively with a change in the situation