Literary reading. 3rd grade. Textbook. In 2 parts. Federal Program. Federal State Educational Standards.
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The textbook "Literary Reading" is part of the educational system "School of Russia". The content of the textbook is aimed at developing functional literacy and communicative competence in students. The content is based on artistic-aesthetic, literary-theoretical, and communicative-linguistic principles. The system of tasks is aimed at developing cognitive motivation and engaging students in active speech activities. The material of the textbook allows for the implementation of a systemic-activity approach, organizing differentiated learning, and ensuring the achievement of personal, subject-specific, and meta-subject results in mastering the Basic Education Program of primary general education. The textbook complies with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of primary general education. Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. 11th edition.
Author:Klimanova Lyudmila Fedorovna
- Category:Education & Teaching
- Category:Reference books
Dimensions:26x19.8x.8 cm
Series:School of Russia (FSES)
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