
Learning to study and act. Grade 5. Workbook. Option 2. Part 2

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Author:Beglova Tatyana Vladimirovna
Category:Education & TeachingScience & Math
Dimensions: 170x2x240cm

The workbook “Learning to study and act” is designed to diagnose the formation of universal educational actions of fifth graders. Together with the methodological recommendations and the electronic database, the manual is a continuation of the educational and methodological sets School Start for preschoolers and first-graders and learn to study and act for elementary school. The use of the proposed working notebooks allows the teacher to track the formation of meta -subject UUD in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC for each student, in the class and parallels in general, as well as to set and then successfully solve pedagogical and psychological problems. For diagnosis, two procedures are used: completing tasks and a diagnostic lesson. In total, 15 pages with tasks consisting of three parts are placed in the notebook: an algorithm of reflection, tasks A and B. Task A diagnoses the student’s ability to use one or another cognitive or communicative UUD in solving the educational problem. Task B is reflective in nature: it diagnoses how the student acted when answering the questions of the UUD algorithm. A diagnostic lesson allows each student to go from the actualization of knowledge and awareness of the problem situation to the result, its assessment and reflection. After all the tasks are completed and checked by the teacher, each student can make for himself on the basis of a working notebook a memory book with UUD algorithms, cutting off the upper part of the pages along the dashed line. The workbook is published in two parts (options) for diagnosis in a large group of students
Author:Beglova Tatyana Vladimirovna
  • Category:Education & Teaching
  • Category:Science & Math

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