USE-2021. English language. Preparing for the final certification (+ audio application on the site)
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The manual is intended for the preparation of students in grades for passing the exam in English. The manual presents training tasks for each of the sections of the KIM exam: "Auditing" (materials for the section are presented on the publishing house), "reading", "grammar and vocabulary", "letter" and "speaking" with methodological recommendations for preparing data tasks and 5 typical options. The manual also includes the requirements for the performance of work, the criteria for evaluating tasks with a detailed answer, additional schemes for evaluating tasks with a detailed answer and answers to all training tasks and typical examination options.
The manual can be used in preparation for the exam, typical options can be used to conduct rehearsal exams in grade 11, as well as for independent preparation for the exam in English. The manual will help to build a strategy for preparing for the exam, evaluate the level of training, to control the development of skills necessary for the successful delivery of the exam in English
The manual can be used in preparation for the exam, typical options can be used to conduct rehearsal exams in grade 11, as well as for independent preparation for the exam in English. The manual will help to build a strategy for preparing for the exam, evaluate the level of training, to control the development of skills necessary for the successful delivery of the exam in English