Dictionary of the latest foreign words
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Dictionary of the latest foreign words E.N. Shagalova contains about 3,500 words. Most of them penetrated the Russian language at the beginning of the XXI century, and therefore were not previously described in lexicographic reference books.
In the Dictionary, the reader will find exhaustive interpretations of vocabulary in the field of computer and mobile technologies, social networks, economics, business and trade, advertising, cosmetology and medicine, gastronomy, sports, etc., examples of use on the Internet and the media are given, and also a detailed etymological certificate.
At the end of vocabulary, groups of words are collected thematically related to the heading word, so the reader will be able to easily navigate the world of the latest borrowings.
The creation of a dictionary was a response to increasing difficulties in understanding, as well as the oral and written use of new borrowed words. The dictionary allows you to solve this problem. It will be interesting and useful to the widest circle of readers
In the Dictionary, the reader will find exhaustive interpretations of vocabulary in the field of computer and mobile technologies, social networks, economics, business and trade, advertising, cosmetology and medicine, gastronomy, sports, etc., examples of use on the Internet and the media are given, and also a detailed etymological certificate.
At the end of vocabulary, groups of words are collected thematically related to the heading word, so the reader will be able to easily navigate the world of the latest borrowings.
The creation of a dictionary was a response to increasing difficulties in understanding, as well as the oral and written use of new borrowed words. The dictionary allows you to solve this problem. It will be interesting and useful to the widest circle of readers
Author:Shagalova Ekaterina Nikolaevna
- Category:Arts & Photography
- Category:Languages
- Category:Reference books
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