
Amazed heart. 100 poems of Korean poets of the twentieth century

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Author:Khan Enun
Category:Arts & PhotographyLanguages
Dimensions: 132x16x207cm

A collection of poems by the outstanding Korean poets Khan Yonun, Yun Dongju and the poetess Pak Kyonni, Kim Namjo allows you to compose an idea of ​​the figurative-thematic range of modern Korean poetry. The evolution of tradition and acquaintance with Western culture led in the XX century to the emergence of fundamentally new topics, metric forms and expressive means in Korean poetry. Each of the four authors subtly feels the capabilities of the native language and uses its own bright palette of poetic techniques. In a hundred poems offered to the attention of readers, Buddhist and Christian motifs were reflected, a difficult story of Korea, love experiences, thoughts about life, the nature of creativity and much more.
Translation project "Series 5+5" carried out ANO "Institute of Translation" (Moscow) with the support of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications and the Korean Institute of Translation LTI Korea (Seoul) on the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Korea. The idea of ​​the project is the publication of translations of five outstanding works of Russian literature into Korean and five significant works of South Korean literature - on Russian. All translations were made for the first time specifically for the project.
The series presents prose writers and poets, classics and modern authors. The leading Slavists and Koreans of both countries took part in its creation. Thanks to the "series 5+5", readers will be able to know each other more deeply and make sure that our two peoples have much more in common than it seems at first glance
Author:Khan Enun
  • Category:Arts & Photography
  • Category:Languages
Series: Series '5+5'

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