
Knowledge is power. 2023. Issue 6.

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Category:Medical BooksPoetry & Literature

Language: roots, trunk, crown
Two themes, inseparable from each other, became the main theme of the first summer issue of our magazine: Pushkin, whose birthday we celebrate on the sixth of June, and the Russian language, largely a result of his poetic work - that is why the International Day of the Russian Language was established on the poet's birthday (it was established by the United Nations in 2010, and the following year, in 2011, it was granted the status of a national holiday). The authors of the articles in the main theme of this issue - philologist, philosopher, cultural historian, Doctor of Philological Sciences Alexander Markov and journalist, candidate of Philological Sciences Anna Krechetova - reflect on Pushkin as a cultural figure, on how he was perceived by his contemporaries and descendants, and what this perception depended on, on his role in the development not only of the literary Russian language, but ultimately of the language we speak today, and therefore, our vision of the world and ourselves, and our behavioral models: 'We live, - believes Alexander Markov, - in the language and in Pushkin's scenarios,' - and also on how the formative influence of the poet on the speech, thought, and imagination of his compatriots became possible.
On the other hand, linguists join the conversation about the deep kinship and mutual influence of language and poetry: employees of the Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Poetics Department of the V.V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute - Doctor of Philological Sciences Larisa Shestakova and candidate of Philological Sciences Anna Kuleva - share their experience working on the creation of two dictionaries: the Academic Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language and the Dictionary of the Language of Russian Poetry of the 20th century. And the modern language appears to us as a tree with deep, ancient roots, a graceful trunk - Pushkin's golden age - and a huge, constantly growing, surpassing everyday imagination, branching crown.
  • Category:Medical Books
  • Category:Poetry & Literature
Dimensions:23.5x16.5x.6 cm

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