
Hunting expanses. Literary and artistic almanac. Book 1 (79) 2014

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Dimensions: 170x14x260cm

The heading of the fires and zori is opened by the story of the Siberian writer Yu. V. Chernov "Gluch of Chuul". Chuul - tract among Mokhovaya Rama in Vasyugan swamps. V. A. Solovyov, a cycle of three stories, transfers us from Vasyugan to Karelian forests. His story is especially good on behalf of the old fisherman of the "box of matches". Journalist V. V. Anipko, who worked in Kazakhstan for many years, talks about his participation in the fight against poachers who focused on rare species living in those places - arhars, saiga. And then - Altai and Sayany: the story of V. V. Lutoye "Waiting for you in the bottom hut ...". From these grateful places are transferred to the Far North - A. S. Kaikov talks about the beginning of its activities as a hootover in the narrative "on the coast of Chukotka".
Thus, even one Almanaha number allows you to travel through our wonderful country - from Karelia to Chukotka - accompanied by experienced, bold people - our storytellers.
Further, in the same category, a few small stories: S. V. Duryagina, V. S. Golovkin, N. M. Melöhina, V. E. Tereshkin, V. V. Vorobyov, Yu. V. Dömin , V.V. Runova.
In the heading "World of Hunting Adventures" two stories: "Sly shot" V. S. Ekimova and "Pilgrims" A. A. Tomilov.
The Classic of the Russian Hunt contains a wonderful story of N. I. Yablonsky "Tips of the Purovoy". He was printed in 1894 in the magazine Nature and Hunt.
A very useful publication in "Hunting universities" is" producing fur animals with the help of humane traps. Its author - A. N. Zyryanov - gives a detailed description of the device of these traps and the methods of their installation, the text is provided with a large number of drawings, schemes, photographs.
In the heading "Life and the fate of the Essay. A. D. Mukhacheva" Woofer of the North"s" about his colleague and friend B. M. Pavlov (both - former employees of the NISH Far North).
In the "practice of hunting" - a few essays, including "chase beams". His author - I. I. Diel from Frankfurt - tells how his hunt for bears was organized in Magadan in May 2010.
New author - E. V. Quail in the story of "Friends" tells about the devotion of the dog to his owner - the old forester. Well complements this story the poem of S. A. Buturlin "friend" (about his beloved setter of Togo).
In the "book shop", as usual, the books that are available in the editorial board and which we send cash on delivery on the requests of readers. And completes the almanac excerpt from the essay "from Siberia" Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
  • Category:Adventure
Series: Hunting expanses. Almanac

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