
Homo Futuris and the World of the Future

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Author:Kairos O'Hara
Category:Science & MathOthers

"If you present 4500 million years of history of our planet with compressed in one ordinary earthly day, then life begins very early - with the advent of the first simple single-celled organisms around 4 am. But then she stands still for the next sixteen hours. Finally, the first marine plants appear, and in twenty minutes - jellyfish and mysterious Ediakar fauna. At 21.04, trilobites float on the stage and almost after them are well-folded creatures of Burjesky shale. Before the highest clock on land, plants begin to raise. Soon, less than two hours before the end of the day, the first land animals appear.
The land around 22.24 is covered with huge coal forests whose residues make up all coal reserves available to us, then the first winged insects appear. Dinosaurs plunge into the scene before eleven hours and reign there about three quarters of an hour. Twenty-one minute before midnight, they disappear, and the age of mammals occurs. People appear per minute and seventeen seconds until midnight. On this scale, our entire human history would continue not more than a few seconds".

Bill Bryson "brief history almost everything in the world
Author:Kairos O'Hara
  • Category:Science & Math
  • Category:Others

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