
History of Russian lexicography

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Category:History & Geography
Dimensions: 145x31x215cm

The purpose of the monograph is historically and theoretically consider Russian vocabulary works that left a noticeable mark in the development of domestic philology in order to attract the experience of tradition in developing the modern lexicography - nomination of scientific prospects and solving scientific problems. This book can serve as the basis for future searches devoted to the versatile assessment and generalization of the results achieved by Russian lexicography in the creation of dictionaries of other types and genres: etymological, terminological, bilingual, dictionaries of the language of writers, educational dictionaries, etc.
The book analyzes the main Russian dictionaries in detail, literary and other sources are identified and investigated, on which lexicographic publications were built, the lexical composition of dictionaries both from the history of the Russian language and the methods of its lexicographic development are analyzed, and the role is established And the significance of dictionaries in the development of theoretical linguistics, in the study of the history of the people and its culture. The history of lexicography is investigated in connection with the socio-historical conditions in which it developed, inseparably from the history of culture, the development of which is also associated with the socio-historical conditions of the life of the people, their spiritual requests. Throughout the historical path, domestic lexicography met the pressing needs of Russian society.
The book shows how the problems of vocabulary is gradually expanding and deepening, new types and genres of dictionaries appear, individual "industries" of lexicography - the creation of dictionaries of the literary language, historical, dialectic, phraseological, synonymous, dictionaries of the national language (thesis) , dictionaries of the language of writers and other types and types of lexicographic, publications.
The theory of lexicography is developed, its conceptual apparatus and language are formed. Thus, a certain system of the vocabulary of the lexical composition of the language is loomed, in which all its elements are closely interconnected. During the long period of its development, Russian lexicography has developed a number of principles forming the basis of its tradition, its being is the doctrine of a word, about the lexical system, the study of vocabulary and semantics in a wide cultural and historical aspect
  • Category:History & Geography
Series: Philological Sciences

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