
Russian army as a mirror of national contradictions. Book 2

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Author:Olenev Maxim Borisovich
Category:Biographies & MemoirsHistory & GeographyCulture
Dimensions: 173x14x248cm

This book is a continuation of my work "Russian Army as a mirror of national contradictions", which saw the light in 2019.
National relations in the Russian army are almost forbidden the topic. It seems to not exist - researchers try to bypass it. This is understandable: it is much safer and more patriotic to write about victories and achievements than about problems. You won’t earn wipes, and troubles - as much as you like! What kind of "scrapers" are there - one discord! Nevertheless, I specifically touch on these difficult questions, because we are still cooking "in this boiling cauldron . The Russian Empire in the XVIII - XIX centuries, as subsequently, the Soviet Union, was “woven” out of dozens of completely different peoples, who had to learn to live together for centuries. Including in the Russian Imperial Army, which since 1874 began to be equipped on the principle of universal military service.
Attempts by Russian monarchs to integrate foreigners into society through the army - the venture, of course, is interesting. The idea was simple: you want right - act. However, in reality, everything turned out to be much more serious. All the significant achievements of the army were two -thirds committed by the hands of an ordinary Russian man - a radical resident of the empire, but at the same time the very law -abiding, oppressed and powerless. The conquered territories were given serious privileges, but due to the infringement of the rights of the original inhabitants, which was clearly reflected in the army of the late XIX - early XX centuries. One of the first problems were one of the first problems to see the drill commanders who began to massively refuse for various reasons the use of foreigners in their subordinate parts.
A soldier for officers was considered a village peasant of Central Russia, who carried out all the burdens and hardships of the Patriotic War of 1812 on his shoulders, the Crimean campaign, the Russo-Turkish and Russian-Japanese wars and, finally, the First World War, as in military qualities, and in its mentality
Author:Olenev Maxim Borisovich
  • Category:Biographies & Memoirs
  • Category:History & Geography
  • Category:Culture
Publication language:
Publication Language:Russian

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