
Rises and falls in the history of ethnic groups: On the life and work of L.N. Gumilev - a view from the 21st century

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Author:Смирнов Иван Юрьевич
Category:Biographies & MemoirsHistory & GeographyMagazines & Encyclopedia
Dimensions: 150x20x210cm

The book about Leo Nikolaevich Gumilyov consists of 6 parts. The first part contains a brief biography of the creator of the theory of ethnogenesis. It is necessary, since the fate of the scientist rich in adventures and misadventures had a considerable influence on his scientific ideas. The second part speaks of Gumilyov’s predecessors, the ideological influences that he experienced, as well as his cooperation with specialists of other sciences. In the third part, the cause of the global spread of man over the land of the globe is considered in conjunction with the division of mankind into many ethnic groups. The interconnection of the ethnic group and the natural environment (Landscape) was dismantled. This part of the teachings of Gumilyov received the greatest development and can be considered a firm acquisition of science. The fourth part is dedicated to the beloved brainchild of Gumilyov - the hypothesis of passionarity, and on the basis of many examples from history (mostly absent in the works of Lev Nikolayevich himself), it was concluded that Gumilyov managed to describe the real phenomenon of obvious nature. He also managed to catch the rhythm of ethnogenesis, which is subordinated to general laws among different peoples, although the origin of this rhythm remains unclear. The Germans and Russians are taken as an example of the general rhythm. It is shown that many events of Russian history have analogues in the history of Germany, where a similar (but not identical!) Event took place 400 years earlier (since the ethnic group is older) The fifth part contains a critical analysis of the hypothesis of passionarity and proves the possibility of its use only with serious amendments. Finally, in the sixth part, the author puts forward his hypothesis, recognizing the phenomenon of passionarity with a mutation of the regulatory gene and attracting as evidence the data of ethnography and psychology
Author:Смирнов Иван Юрьевич
  • Category:Biographies & Memoirs
  • Category:History & Geography
  • Category:Magazines & Encyclopedia
Publication language:
Publication Language:Russian

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