
Rebellious age: from Jacob I to the glorious revolution

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Category:Biographies & MemoirsHistory & Geography
Dimensions: 145x38x215cm

The history of England is a continuous movement and a series of constant changes. But the entire history of England, starting with primitiveness, permeates continuity, so the main thing in it is not changes, but constancy. Until now, in England, an inextricable connection with the past, with traditions and customs, is felt. Until now, this country resists changes in any aspect of life. Peter Akraid shows the origins of the centuries of the invariability of England, its conservatism and commitment to the past.
In the focus of this book - the period of English history, which was marked by the reign of Jacob VI (Jacob I), which after the death of Elizabeth I was the first stewart in the English throne, and Charles I, two civil wars, the victory of the parliament, the industrial revolution, the protector of the Great The commander of Oliver Cromwell, the restoration of the stewartes, the rule of Charles II and, finally, Jacob II, overthrown as a result of a glorious revolution. On the pages of the XVII century, it appears to be a turbulent upward and rich in cultural life, a remarkable literature, including the late masterpieces of Shakespeare, Jacobin tragedies, the poetry of John Donna and John Milton, as well as the philosophical treatise of Thomas Hobbes Leviathan. As is characteristic of the works of Peter Akraid, the book gives a wide idea of ​​the life of ordinary English subjects against the backdrop of constant socio-political shocks and uncertainty. A multifaceted historical narrative perfectly complements 36 illustrations on colored gluing.
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  • Category:Biographies & Memoirs
  • Category:History & Geography
Publication language:
Publication Language:Russian
Series: History of England History of England
Age restrictions:
Age restrictions:18+

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