
New Civilization. The History of the Creation of the USSR

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Author:Вебб Сидней
Category:Biographies & MemoirsHistory & GeographyCultureSocial Science & Politics
Dimensions: 155x18x230cm

Sydney and Beatrice Webb are English historians, economists and public figures. Together with their friends, Bernard Show and Herbert Wells, they founded a Fabian society, which received its name on behalf of the ancient Roman military leader Fabia Maxim Kunktator (slow), whose strategy consisted in victory due to the depletion of the enemy, and not decisive battles. Members of the Fabian society, which, along with the spouses of Webb, B. Show and G. Wells, included such famous figures as economist J. Keynes, mathematician and philosopher B. Russell and others, wanted to achieve the “growing” of the capitalist society into socialism. The experience of the USSR, based on the revolution, seemed wrong to them, but they were vividly interested in Soviet civilization with all its achievements. Sidney and Beatrice Webb visited the Soviet Union twice, collected a huge amount of material, both Soviet and foreign, about all sides of his life. The book written by them shows the most acute moments of history in the first twenty years of the existence of the USSR: revolution and civil war, military communism and NEP, the activities of the Cheka-OGPU, the creation of the USSR, five-year plans and collectivization, the state of health and education in the Soviet Union, and the formation of the formation new morality. In the conclusion of Sydney and Beatrice, webb concludes what Soviet civilization is, what features make it outstanding and decent imitation
Author:Вебб Сидней
  • Category:Biographies & Memoirs
  • Category:History & Geography
  • Category:Culture
  • Category:Social Science & Politics
Publication language:
Publication Language:Russian

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