Lamuel, or the book of the Lord
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About the Hebrew manuscript or the Old Testament Apocalypse of the "Lamuil", brought by the Knights-Seamers from the east, found during the Great French Revolution, again lost and still stored in the secret archive of the Vatican, is a speech in the next book "Mystical Cults of the Middle Ages and the same name and the same name. Renaissance ", published by Vladimir Tkachenko-Gildebrandt, who in the preface gives his version of why the Holy Thron is in no hurry to publish this manuscript translated into French with the assistance of one scientist rabbi with an outstanding French natural scientist, cartographer and graphics by the Colonel Jean-Batista Bori de de Saint-Vensan, moreover, is a fellow countryman of the legendary d"Artagnan. The application gives the most complete French charter of the Order of the Temple and other research articles and materials that reveal the riddles of this order. The book is designed for a wide range of readers, including professionals and students involved in religious studies, as well as military reconstructors specializing in the Middle Ages and the period of Napoleon I Bonaparte