Hitler blitzkrieg. Lightning war
Blitzkrieg - this word at the beginning of the Second World War was horrified by all of Europe. The crushing blows of German tank wedges, swift raids on the rear of the enemy, grandiose "boilers", thousands of prisoners. Burning Warsaw, the roads of France, which are trimmed with refugees, and the fields of the Soviet Union tormented by caterpillars. This is Blitzkrieg, "Lightning War"! Victory strategy. A universal instrument of maneuverable war, allowing the Wehrmacht to smash any enemy.
It seemed that Panzersvaffu could no longer be stopped, and Hitler’s tank divisions will reach the Urals, to Iran, to India - under the triumphant march "Panzer Voran!" ("Tanks, forward!"), Under the slogan "Victory is on the trail of tanks" ... So it seemed - until the German "panzers" did not dissolve in the vast expanses of Russia. Until the Red Army stood on the Wehrmacht"s way.
This book is the deepest study of the strategy of the "lightning -fast war", the story of the take -off and fall of Panzersvaff, about the grandiose triumphs and the crushing collapse of the Nazi blitzkrieg