
Encyclopedia of rare antique books on the finances of the Russian Empire

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Category:Biographies & MemoirsHistory & GeographyCulture
Dimensions: 250x34x315cm

For the first time in the history of typography of Russia, an Encyclopedia of rare antique books on the finances of the Russian Empire was published. The encyclopedia was compiled by 320 rare antique, including old printed ones, books on the topics of money, finance, taxes, banks, credit, bills, insurance, exchange, national economy, trade law, accounting and statistics of not only the Russian Empire, but also the whole world. Each book monument included in the encyclopedia contains untying ideas that maintain its significance and relevance, and moreover, today there is a process of rethinking.
The monuments included demonstrate who the foundation of the modern economy was built, what goals and objectives stood before the authors-innovatives, starting from the 16th century, that they brought to the world treasure of science and practice and what we actively use to this day.
Brief life stories and personal contributions are presented by more than 200 creators of book monuments: outstanding scientists, statesmen, entrepreneurs, teachers (F.-G. Dilthey, F.Kh. Virst, N.S. Mordvinov, N.I. Turgenev, M.F. Orlov, M.M. Speransky. E.F. Kankrin, D.A. Tolstoy, E.I. Lamansky, V.P. Bezobrazov, S.I. Timashev, I.Ya. Gorlov, I.K. Babst, I.I. Yanzhul, I.I. Kaufman, A.N. Mikravsky, V.S. Voitinsky, A.S. Suvorin, M.P. Ryabushinsky, etc) Essays and a detailed description of the publications are accompanied by a rich illustrative series: photos of rare books included in the encyclopedia, portrait images of prominent scientists, statesmen, entrepreneurs: 500 illustrations of books and 73 portraits are based on a private book collection of authors.
The description and summary of the rare anniversary publications are included: the Society of Putilov factories, the oil production of the Nobel brothers, the partnership of the Prokhorovsky Trekhogoren Manufactory, the Partnership of the Black Carkar and the Company, the St. Petersburg Society of the Mutual Credit, the Moscow City Credit Society, the State Noble Land Bank, St. Petersburg and Moscow Exchange, the State Bank, the Ministry of Finance, the Moscow insurance from the fire of the company, St. Petersburg and Moscow Commercial Schools and others.
The legendary books of foreign authors of the 16-17th centuries are presented: Strack B (creator of trade law), Ioan Nayder (author of one of the first published work on economics in the world), Petri Santer (creator of insurance law), Baldis de Ubaldis ( bill law), healing (nominalist theory of money) The works of foreign authors of the 18th century - Fonshed J., John Lo, A.R. Zh. Tyurgo and others. The works of foreign authors of the 19th century - Adam Smith, Charles Goden and others are represented.
The most important regulations, manifestos, decrees and charters of the Russian Empire in the field of economics for the 18-19th century are included: on colleges, the charter of the bill, bankruptcy, on the creation of a state borrowed bank, an insurance expedition at a borrowed bank, institution of the Ministry of Finance, and state Commissions of repayment of debts, the State Commercial Bank, the Council of State Credit Institutions, Commercial Courts, the Object Council and its expeditions, the institution of savings cash desks and others. The first biographical essays on famous financiers are included: about M. M. Speransky and E.F. Kankrin.
In order to facilitate the reader to work with the books described in the encyclopedia and not to get lost, several types of catalogs have been made - annotated, built on the principle of chronology, thematic and alphabetical. Each of 320 books has its own code, which is used in the first part of the encyclopedia, thematic essays, and in the second in catalogs. This is a kind of navigation tool. When describing books, the relationship between individual works is also indicated using the book code.
Photos of artifacts (coins, securities and other items) are made on the basis of a private collection of authors. Each book includes genuine Russian securities of the XIX century: mortgage sheets of the state noble land bank or bonds of the Russian gold loan from the private collection V.I. Tarankov
  • Category:Biographies & Memoirs
  • Category:History & Geography
  • Category:Culture

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