Boris Godunov
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Academician Sergei Fedorovich Platonov (1860-1933) in 1928 dared to call himself a "Great Russian Patriot". The book Boris Godunov "(1921) was one of the elements of the ideological program of Platonov, which he also expressed in the works" Ivan the Terrible" (1923) and "Peter the Great: Personality and Activities" (1926) S.F. Platonov challenged the official historical doctrine of Soviet power - proletarian internationalism, raising praise of traditional national statehood. Emigrant historian P.B. Struve in a review of the book "Boris Godunov" noted: "The fatal moral analogy of the abominations of the" Time of Troubles "with the abominations of the Great Revolution" is irresistibly faced with the reader’s mind ... and we cannot get rid of the thought that this analogy was present in his mind and in his mind ". S.F. Platonov tried to give the sketch of Godunov and the personality of the ruler, relying on the sources, to overcome the “gross and ignorant” tradition of the accusation of this monarch of all conceivable sins contrary to facts