
Anichkov Palace. The residence of the heirs of the throne. The second half of the XVIII - beginning of the XX century. The daily life of the Russian

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Author:Zimin Igor Viktorovich
Category:Biographies & MemoirsHistory & GeographyCulture
Dimensions: 145x30x220cm

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Igor Viktorovich Zimin represents the next book from the series Everyday life of the Russian Imperial Court. It will talk about one of the most beautiful palaces of St. Petersburg - Anichkov.
Anichkov Palace is one of the architectural dominant of Nevsky Prospekt, to the formation of the appearance of which the most outstanding architects attached a hand. But the palace is even more important as the favorite residence of two Russian monarchs - Nicholas I and Alexander III. The years of their youth, the beginning of family life, the birth of children are connected with this house. They equipped this house with love and joyfully returned to it. It is also important that both monarchs lived in the Anichkov Palace in the status of Tsarevich, when an avalanche of the monarchy affairs and worries had not yet collapsed on them. In this residence, the monarchs were formed not only as future statesmen, but also as an individual, with all the strengths and weaknesses. Traces of hobbies of their youth left a noticeable mark in the history of Russian culture.
Like it surprising, the history of the existence of Anichkov Palace has a meager historiography. Of course, it is mentioned in many books, but it is mentioned ... by this work the author replenishes annoying gaps in the history of the architectural masterpiece, describing the most different faces from the life of the Anichkov Palace.
The book has no analogues in the modern market and deserves the attention of the widest circle of readers
Author:Zimin Igor Viktorovich
  • Category:Biographies & Memoirs
  • Category:History & Geography
  • Category:Culture
Publication language:
Publication Language:Russian
Series: 400th anniversary of the Romanov House
Age restrictions:
Age restrictions:16+

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