
Healthcare and social development issues

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Category:Politics & Social ScienceToys & Skills development for kids

It is well known that the condition and change in habitat and activities serve as important factors for the socio-economic complex of the Arctic. The manifestations of direct and indirect effects of extremal climato-geophysical conditions of polar regions on the adapted and migratory population are characterized by special acute and specificity.
The International Scientific Community and society as a whole, and Russian scientists in particular, have already felt the need to systematize accumulated knowledge and delivered, but not solved issues in the field of socio-economic issues related to human activity in remote areas of the planet.
For the first time in the history of international polar years in the event of the International Polar Year (MPG), 2007/08 studies were included in assessing the socio-economic consequences of changes in the state of the polar regions, primarily affecting the vital activity of the indigenous peoples of the Arctic.
In Russia, in the period of the IPG 2007/08, a number of scientific organizations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, Roshydromet, RAS and a number of public organizations, first of all, the Research Institute of Polar Medicine of the Northern State Medical University (Research Institute of SGMU, Arkhangelsk), Center for Polar Medicine Aania (CPM Aania, St. Petersburg), St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy (St. Petersburg), Institute of Geography RAS (Moscow), Institute of System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), Polar Academy (St. -Petherburg) and many other federal and regional scientific institutions conducted ethno-environmental and socio-economic research in the coastal area of ​​the Arctic in order to assess the adaptive possibilities of the population of coastal settlements to changes in natural and anthropogenic genesis.
Much attention in the scientific program of participation of the Russian Federation in the MiG 2007/2008 is given to the health of the population of polar and indoor territories. In this area, 14 projects were implemented by leading research and educational medical institutions
  • Category:Politics & Social Science
  • Category:Toys & Skills development for kids
Series: Russia's contribution to international polar year 2007/08

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