
Great Science. Russian Scientists of the XVIII-XIX Centuries. Demonstration pictures, conversations

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Category:History & GeographyScience & Math
Dimensions: 215x21x255cm

A set of demonstration materials "Russian scientists of the XVIII-XIX centuries" is devoted to the outstanding figures of national science, with the achievements of which the child meets.
The manual contains:
- Interesting biographical facts,
- a brief overview of the life of scientists,
- a description of their most important discoveries and inventions.
Knowledge is compressed, but in a sufficient for child volume. Working with materials will help preschoolers and schoolchildren to expand the horizons and closer to get acquainted with the domestic science.
It is very important that the child from an early age understood that the items that surround us and make our lives better are created by the works of many people. A special role in their appearance is played by outstanding scientists and inventors. Acquaintance with the great people of Russia is an important contribution to the patriotic education of children, and an example of life and serving the best minds of humanity, mostly men, is an important condition for the upbringing of children, especially boys.
Teachers scientists recommend to place portraits of great people in the premises of kindergarten and school
  • Category:History & Geography
  • Category:Science & Math
Series: Great Science

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