
Golden Steps Tarot in Tavalyon

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Category:Chiromantia & Esoteric & NumerologyEsoteric, Folklore & Myth
Dimensions: 80x35x130cm

Giorgio Tavalon is an Italian illustrator and a scientist of an esoteric direction. When creating the stages of the Gold Tarot, he was inspired by these words from Paradiso Dante: "I saw the gold color staircase on which the sun raised, which went was so high that my eyes could not see the top ..." He sees Taro"s cards, like a staircase card, Leading from creating / birth up to the final implementation. Cards in this deck are rich symbols and very detailed with decorative boundaries and numbers. Each card from senior arkanov has 11 different characters and identifiers included in its design. They show esoteric correspondences for each card. Titles and descriptions in Italian. The memo was translated into English and written by his own calligraphy Tavaglione.
Cards in this deck are quite rich in symbols, very detailed with decorative boundaries and numbers. Images on Italian style maps: Figures are surrounded by a richly decorated border, on which all the symbolism is located. The names and values ​​of the cards are traditional, only with minor changes. When a map of senior arcanes has eleven different characters and identifiers included in its design. They show esoteric correspondences for each card. Titles and descriptions in Italian. The glyphs of the Great Arcanes fully correspond to the classical tradition of the Raider of White. The younger arcanes do not have plot pictures (not illustrated by scenes), but beautifully decorated with detailed symbols and richly decorated with a border - they are depicted on them as symbols of suit in the appropriate quantity
  • Category:Chiromantia & Esoteric & Numerology
  • Category:Esoteric, Folklore & Myth

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